Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Picture update

Kristyn has really become mommy's little helper. Sometimes a better helper than other times.

I'm feeling much better about my looks recently. I feel like I actually look skinny. Another few pounds to make that so, but as long as I feel good, what does it matter.

It was murder getting Anthony to take this picture. Terrible two's were nothing to what I have now!

Benjamin is my doll. He's so sweet and loves to give slobbery kisses. Who needs a dog when you have a baby!?

Monday, November 24, 2008

To all who give thanks,

I've had my students this last month write daily in their journals what they are thankful for. I've cried as I've read these things. Simplicity is the most amazing gift that God has given me. The simplest things make me happy. However, no matter how simple something is, their is always a way to take it for granted. I'm very privledged to be able to have what I have, and live the way I live, and SHAME on me for being unhappy with what I do have. The most important things I have are my family. I am so very thankful for them. I am thankful for the laughter we share, for the hugs, and slobbery/snotty kisses I get each night. I'm thankful for the blessing of a roof, albeit an apartment roof, over my head. I am thankful for the blessing of 3 meals a day, and snacks if I want them. I'm thankful for having enough clothes that I don't have to do laundry every week if I didn't want to. I'm greatful for parents who love me, who are still married, and who are still alive to talk to me when I need them. May you all be as blessed as I, this holiday season. I love you all.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Give Thanks

We've yet again lost a house to someone who offered more than we were willing to pay. I'm frustrated beyond belief and overly exhausted all the time. Last week I broke down on an answering machine to my mother. I now sit wondering at all the stress and think about what I'm grateful for. I'm grateful for the smiles I get to see each day, from my own children as well as my students. I'm grateful for the hugs and kisses I get every night from my children, even though it takes forever to get them to bed. I'm grateful for laughter. Giggles, at the right time, can make even the most frustrated person smile. I'm grateful for a husband who recognizes my stress and does little things to help. It's amazing what a coke can do! I'm grateful to have a job that will support us in this time of economic turmoil. I'm grateful to have family that accepts me as I am and doesn't ask more of me than I'm willing to give. This month my children and I are writing in a thankful journal each night. My children today were thankful for:
Trick or treating-"Now I have enough candy to last me a week!" (Kristyn)
A swimming pool - "I won't die now" (Anthony-believes that now he has a pool he can learn how not to drown)
For their cousins-"no offense mom, but you and dad are kind of boring" (kristyn!)
I love my little muffins! They make me laugh. (mom) "What muffins, I want muffins!" (Anthony)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween brings out the Best!

This year we've had the opportunity to actually use our costumes more than once! The kids have been to 3 different halloween related activities. These particular pictures are right before we went to the school carnival.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Anthony's birthday

Anthony's birthday was an excitement. We had everything scheduled for his birth-day, however, Miguel didn't call all of his siblings, and so we had to reschedule for the next weekend. On his birthday we did just a family thing and then this last Saturday, we had a get together with his family. I decided that I'm not having big family birthday's again. I spent the whole time worried about everything else, and everyone else, I didn't have anytime to focus on my own son. But that didn't stop him from having fun. Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Update

So I've decided that if I can update this once every month I'll be doing better than I am right now. So here goes...

We are still living in an apartment and hating it! I hate having to tell my kids to stop running and jumping. They are so active that it almost hurts me to ask them to stop being that way because we live on the third floor. The poor people below us!

We are going to be making an offer on a home really soon. We hope to be in a house by Halloween, so that we can have a house warming party and a halloween party all in one. I just want to feel settled. Miguel also plans on quitting his current job, after we get in our home, which he's working 12 hours a day in San Diego (1hour from our apartment). This way he can find a job in the evenings and watch the kids during the day. We're at a point where we feel we should be the ones raising our kids not someone else.

I don't like the drive to work, but I love teaching. Once I learn the ropes at this new district I'll be happier. Right now I feel like it's day one all over again. I like the people I work with and I like the students. There are some challenging ones, but that's why I went into teaching right?!

Kristyn is slow about making friends and she says she hates her "Old Grandma" teacher. She's actually got a teacher that is challenging her. She is very good at math and is quickly improving her writing and reading skills whether she wants to admit it or not.

Anthony will turn 3 this weekend. He's been a pain recently and I can't help but think it's becuase of my work schedule. I bring him to the sitter at 6:00 in the morning, after I drop Kristyn off at her cousins, which means they get up at 5:15. He doesn't take a nap at the sitter and is so tired and cranky in the afternoon. He just wants to run like crazy and then he crashes at about 6:00. I have to wake him up, and keep him up for another hour and a half. Poor little monster!

Benjamin is cutting his fourth tooth and is not happy about it. He hates being dropped off in the morning, but is so happy to see me in the afternoon. He just wants to lay across me all evening, even when I'm trying to fold the laundry. He crawls right after me where ever I go in the apartment, and he's quick.

Well, that's all for now. We'll see if I'm quick enough to get another blog in before the month is over.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Great Successes

We did it!!!!

Anthony is officially potty trained. After a very long, stinky summer, Anthony made official his potty trained status by going poop in the potty all by himself. I was cleaning the kitchen, noticed that Anthony was missing, thought, "oh not again!" but found him sitting on the potty. A very proud moment for a mother.

Second great event of the day: Benjamin crawled on his knees. No more army crawl, but a much faster child! This is certainly a mixed emotion moment for me.

Third great success. I've figured out how to add pictures to my blog. Now I just need to find my cord so that I can download the pictures from my camera rather than having to visit walmart to get my pictures.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Activities

So now that I finally have a minute to update the blog. I thought I'd add a few pictures of some of the things we did this summer.

Wheeler Farm, Utah
Hogle Zoo, Utah Liberty Park, Utah (24th of July)

Road Trip--On our way to CA

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School Starts

I'm always amazed at how excited kids start out the school year. Kristyn has been driving me crazy with her excitement of starting school. Everyday she asks when her first day is. I just hope this excitement remains through the week. She starts school tomorrow. I start my first training on Friday and with kids after labor day. My district is totatlly different than Kristyn's, which may cause some trouble around our holiday vacations, but that's life.

Miguel still hasn't found work and he is completely bummed about it. He was so sure that he'd be able to find work quickly, but no luck. We are still workin on finding a home, and getting qualified is getting harder and harder, it doesn't seem to matter how much you have to put down on a home, if your credit isn't great, you're in trouble.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What's up!

So, now we've officially moved to Moreno Valley, California. Kristyn is registered for school and will start next Thursday. Miguel is still looking for work, and his search has become pretty intense. He's out looking during the day, while I'm busy filling out applications on line during the day. At night we take a break just to be a family. I have to say, it is really nice to be so close to a park. For the first time in my life I have a tan, but it's not making a gain on my children's skin, they're just getting darker. I have two more weeks of summer freedom before I have to get back to work. Our wait for selling our home is dragging on and on, but we are hoping for an end soon, maybe even tomorrow.
Oddly enough, when we moved out here the cost of living was comparable to Utah. Now, gas prices are down to $4.07/gal, and even groceries are comparable to Utah. Homes are cheaper, but it's much harder to get a home loan. This might have been a really good move for us, however it won't be for long, a couple years at the most. I never realized how much easier it was to make friends in Utah, people are so much more friendly and less suspicious.
Well, that's my quick update. I'll add pictures and more info as things happen. Keep in touch.