Sunday, October 11, 2009

Picture Day

So once again we had pictures taken without Miguel. I really think he has a phobia of photos. The kids look cute, me...not so much. I have to do something with my hair. Keeping it long is not a good idea. I just pull it back in a ponytail all the time rather than actually doing something with it. The kids actually did great! I was surprised.

Amazing how handsome he looks in his suit. I just wish it'd last more than 30 minutes.

Her hair started out nice and neat and curly. She's such a tomboy.
He's too cute for words. He was quite upset about his tie. He'd just thrown it at me. He was not going to wear it!


Amy B said...

so where are you!!!! I dont see any pictures of that long hair- and whining, I love the idea love and logic does on Energy drain, every time Tyler whines I say h man that drains my energy, then He has to do something to fill me back up. I have clean baseboards, I have clean bar stools, I have vacuumed floors, I have clean wiped down toilets...etc... I love it. He quits whining real fast!

Mary said...

LOVE IT!!!!!